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California Traffic Citation Search
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California Traffic Citation Search

Did you know that traffic citations are actually considered criminal offenses? This is an important fact that many are not aware of. This essentially means that CA traffic tickets go on your public criminal record, and on a background check that can be accessed by potential employers, insurance companies, and anyone that wants to know. Understanding this can help understand the significance of traffic violations in the state.

to run a California traffic citation lookup you will need to know the full name of the person you want to check on. Then using either state run agencies, or public record websites, you can find out how many CA traffic violations on on someone's record. You can also find out how many driving record points they have.



Implications of Having too Many Traffic Citations

The long-term implications of having a criminal record due to traffic tickets are often underestimated. They can affect your ability to get a job, especially if the job requires driving or a clean criminal record. Additionally, they can make renting an apartment more difficult, as landlords may be reluctant to rent to someone with a criminal history. Lastly, obtaining a loan might become more challenging as financial institutions often check credit and criminal history before approving loans. This is why it is important to understand the consequences of receiving a traffic ticket and to take the necessary steps to resolve it.

Once possible remedy for someone having too many driving record points, from multiple citations, is to go to traffic school. People in the state are often granted the option to remove a point from their record every 18 months through traffic school. This can help mitigate having too many blemishes on one's driving record.



Top 10 Traffic Citations in California

The CA Office of Traffic Safety keeps detailed records on traffic safety statistics to help understand and resolve traffic related situations: It's important to note that these are not the only citations that are given out, just the most common. Each of these citations can result in fines, points on your driving record, and potential license suspension, or worse. Certain violations, such as DUI, carry harsher consequences. A DUI can carry mandatory jail time, significant fines, and can lead to a misdemeanor or felony criminal record. All the various punishments are intended to steer drivers away and discouraging bad driving habits. According to their most recent data, the following are the top 10 citations in the state:

1). Speeding

2). Failure to stop at a red light or stop sign

3). Driving under the influence (DUI)

4). Distracted driving (e.g. texting while driving)

5). Failure to yield to pedestrians

6). Reckless driving

7). Improper turning

8). Failure to wear a seatbelt

9). Driving with a suspended or revoked license

10). Driving without insurance



How to Lookup California Traffic Citations

For anyone that has received a traffic citation, knowing how to look it up and pay the fines is important. The CA Court System's online portal is easy to use and offers quick access to information about your citation. The state's judicial website will also show you how to contest the ticket or if traffic school is available to you. It's usually a good idea to check your citation well before the due date to avoid any additional penalties or additional fines. To look up your citation, follow these steps:

1). Go to the CA Court System's website.

2). Click on the "Online Services" tab on the top menu bar.

3). Under "Online Services", click on "Traffic Tickets".

4). One you are on the Traffic Tickets Online Services page, you can choose to either "Pay Your Fine" or "Lookup a Ticket".

5). To lookup your ticket you can do this with the citation number and name, or your license plate number.

6). Then you will be able to review your citation information, and pay your ca traffic ticket online



How to Fight a Traffic Ticket in California

If you've received a moving violation, you might consider fighting it in court. There are a few things to consider when approaching this idea. In some circumstances it can make a lot of sense, while other circumstances not so much. Some tickets, such as a DUI might require legal assistance to fight in court. An experienced lawyer can help you with your case, help gather evidence, represent you in court. They can also possibly help reduce the charges or penalties. It is good to weigh out the pros and cons of going to battle for a driving violation, some situations can certainly be worth the effort. 


Here are some ideas to toss around when making your determination:

1). The Severity of the Violation: Minor driving violations may not be worth the time and effort to fight them in court. However, more serious violations with large penalties might be worth this effort.

2). Your Driving Record: If you have a clean driving record, you might potentially have a better chance of contesting a ticket and winning. Conversely, a history of violations could work against you.

3). The Evidence Against You: If there is strong evidence against you, it may make it difficult to win in court. Such cases might be a red light ticket, or a speeding ticket caught on camera.



Is a DUI a Criminal Offense in California?

Yes, a DUI is considered a misdemeanor in California, which is a somewhat serious criminal offense. A DUI can also lead to a felony conviction if there is an accident because of someone driving under the influence and injuring someone in an accident. These will stay on a person's records for a long time and can impact the ability for someone to travel outside the US, such as Canada.



Is Road Rage a Criminal Offense in California?

Yes, this is taken very seriously can can lead to a misdemeanor or felony offense depending on the outcome of the incident. If there is intentional damage to another vehicle, person or property is caused by a road rage event. It can also lead to the instigating driver to be arrested, their vehicle impounded, and a suspended or revoked CA driver's license. Aggressive driving is also taken very seriously and is punishable by loss of driving privileges, heavy fines, and jail time.


Traffic Citation Search